
  • “COUNTRIES We Ignore Part 1- Countries in Crisis” my first book Published.

    I am 17 years old Indian Boy: Nishant Jadhav who has written his first book “COUNTRIES We Ignore Part 1- Countries in Crisis”.

    This book is written on countries that are ignored. They are going through the worst crisis, millions have lost their lives. This book will give you information about who people, terrorist groups, and other countries are responsible for their critical circumstances. They have their own problems, they are fighting with natural and man-made disasters together, and are suffering from Civil War, Proxy War in their country. Cold War of other countries and Corona pandemic are making the situation more serious. This whole situation is dangerous for global peace.
    Which countries have been written about: Syria, North Korea, Libya, Yemen, Marshall Islands, Venezuela, South Sudan, Somalia, Central Africa Republic, and Nigeria.

    The book has been digitally published on Google Play Books. You can buy this book from this link

    Buy the book from this link

  • India is going to take PoK back from Pakistan. Know what happened in Kashmir.

    For India Jammu and Kashmir is a crown but it has proven very much heavy and for that India needed war with Pakistan four times defeating it. And also the fire of terrorism is not stopping in Kashmir from last three decades. India had lost its gems from seven decades.

    See Pakistan and China infiltrated Indian Kashmir State.
    See what India owns now.

    ·         From the starting of the nineteenth century Dogra had been ruling in Kashmir. The area was much 222236 square kilometers. After the independence, Pakistan attacked and took 13300 square kilometers of area. Brave Indian soldiers were fighting but Indian Government stopped the war and the area was eaten by Pakistan. The area is now known as ‘Azad Kashmir’.

    ·         North Kashmir is known as Gilgit-Baltistan which is about 72496 square kilometers of land which Pakistan got illegally since 1947.

    ·         From this region Pakistan gifted China a 6900 square kilometers of land known as Shaksgam Valley. Now it belongs to China.

    ·         China captured about 37250 square kilometers of land of Ladakh, at one time it was Kashmir’s inseparable part now it is known as ‘Akshai Chin’.

    ·         Now India has less than 50% of the original size of Kashmir. And that also is now made hell by Pakistan supported terrorism. India has lost more than 5500 soldiers in a war that has no means. Then also to maintain peace India has deployed 60000 soldiers. And half military soldiers go more than 200000. Due to terrorism many attacks are carried out and soldiers become martyrs.

    What is happening in Gilgit and Baltistan today?

    Gilgit and Baltistan are true gems of Kashmir, the heaven on earth. Pakistan captured this from 1947. The Pakistan Government had done no developmental works in this area. This area is known as POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) and has its own government. The Governor is at the top power, the Chief Minister then. Islamabad government now wants to remove this system and wants the power under the rule by carrying the elections. The Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered this but Foreign Ministry of Indian Government opposed this saying that POK is an inseparable part of India. India started to show the weather report for POK from 6th May, 2020. This shows that India is now starting to apply a strong diplomatic plan.

    This is about Kashmir’s monarch state formed.

    Kashmir was ruled by Mughals for 165 years and by Afghans for 67 years. The Kashmiri people were depressed under this rule. Kashmiri people felt independence on 15thJuly, 1819 when Punjab’s Maharaja RanjitSingh attacked under leadership of Major General Diwanchand at Afghan Leader Jabbar Khan and defeated it. A development lover, an independent King was established at throne. At that time south of Jammu valley was ruled by Dogra Maharaja Gulab Singh. Both these thrones had one general Jorawar Singh Kahluriya who won both the parts and joined them to the Dogra Empire in 1834 and 1839. With the death of Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjitsingh the Sikh Empire tended to become weak. In February, 1846 Britishers started war with Maharaja Gulab Singh and purchased Kashmir Valley for 7.5 Million rupees. The remaining Gilgit was won by his son Ranveer Singh in 1866 and made the Dogra Empire more wide. In the Indian subcontinent this became the largest monarch state with 222236 square kilometers area.

    Kashmir State was made up of five parts Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit and Baltistan. The work was carried out nicely but the dispute that brings today’s India and Pakistan in front of each other happened in 1935. Communist Russian Army was carrying out military actions in the Sikiyang Area of China, to keep an eye the British-Indo Government decided to make an army headquarter in Gilgit-Baltistan. They decided to take the area for 60 years rent from Maharaja Harisingh. They made a regiment made up of 80 soldiers and 8 teams named ‘Gilgit Scout’, Gilgit-Baltistan was just given to British on rent but  let’s see how they transact foolishly with Pakistan.

    British Prime Minister decided to free India from Britain, and in July the rent transaction with Maharaja Harisingh was dismissed. ‘Gilgit Scout’ was called from there. On 1st August, 1947 Maharaja made Brigadier Dhansara Singh the Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan.

    Now the British should have left the area but the ‘Gilgit Scout’ didn’t leave that area and stayed there only. The leader of ‘Gilgit Scout’ Major William Brown had a bad plan to give the full area of Gilgit-Baltistan to Pakistan. He took help of his subordinate Subedar Major Babar Khan to black mail the citizens and at the name of religion pressurized them to join Pakistan. Brigadier Dhansara Singh the Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan didn’t have any idea of this bad plan. The plan was caught in October, 1947. Pakistan attacked Kashmir and then the Maharaja Harisingh accepted to join India. As the Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan, Dhansara Singh needed to sign the document of joining the Gilgit-Baltistan in India. But he was not made to sign by Major William Brown by revolution of ‘Gilgit Scout’ and by black mailing with guns he was made slave and said that Gilgit-Baltistan wanted to join Pakistan and not India!

    See! how the foolish British made this happen, the Gilgit-Baltistan belonged to Maharaja Harisingh they had taken for rent and also the rent contract was cancelled. Now, who was Major William Brown to decide that Gilgit-Baltistan should join India or Pakistan? On 1st November, 1947 he gave Gilgit-Baltistan to Pakistani Prime Minister Liyakat Ali Khan. Without dropping a drop of blood Pakistan received Gilgit-Baltistan a 72496 square kilometers. Kashmir was going to join India but didn’t. The top level officers above than Major William Brown were silent and also the Indian Government did not take necessary steps. A strong military action was expected but it shouted for help at the United Nations 1st January, 1948.

    On 5th January, 1949 and 17th January, 1949 a report was published “Pakistan cannot claim to exercise sovereignty in respect of J&K”. On 23rd March, 2017 in British Parliament a member Bob Blackman stands with an opposition to what was done by Major William Brown in context of Gilgit-Baltistan in answer the British Parliament passes a report ‘Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of Jammu and Kashmir, India, which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947’.

    ·         In Indian Parliament in August, 2019 the ‘Article 370’ was removed that made Kashmir an integral part of India and it was freely said that ‘Azad Kashmir’ includes Gilgit, Baltistan, Shaksgam Valley and ‘Akshai Chin’ and that it belongs to India.

    ·         Now by starting to show the weather report of Gilgit-Baltistan India is in a strong mood of getting back the illegally captured area by Pakistan.  

  • Poem on Corona Virus.

    Poem on Covid_19
    कोरोना वायरस पर कटाक्ष कविता
    #covid_19 #corona #novel #janatacurfew #poemoncorona #coronavirus #nisoojadhav

  • “बदल ने की क्षमता ही बुद्धिमत्ता का माप है|” – अल्बर्ट आइंस्ताईन

    मनुष्य को हमेशा से ही एक बुद्धिमान जिव माना जाता आ रहा है| क्योंकि मनुष्य ने पूरी पृथ्वी को अपने हिसाब से ढाल लिया है, वह अपने हिसाब से नयी खोज़े करता है, एवं अपने हिसाब से ही बदलाव की नीव रखकर पूरी दुनिया को बदलने की क्षमता भी रखता है|

       मनुष्य अपने विकास के साथ, नयी सभ्यताए भी बनाता आ रहा है| सभ्यताए बनाने के साथ ही उसने समाज का भी निर्माण कर लिया था| मनुष्य तब से सामाजिक पशु बन गया और तब से वह समाज के दूर रह नहीं सकता| वह कुछ भी करने से पहले अपने समाज के बारे में कम से कम एक बार सोचता है| कोई मानव अगर समाज से विपरीत सोचने या काम करने लगता है तो उसकी चारो और से टिकाए सुरु हो जाती है| भले वह काम समाज के अच्छे के लिए ही क्यों न हो| समाज के कई बुद्धिजीव ऐसे लोगोंकी टिकाए करते थकते नहीं है| जिन्होंने अपने जीवनकाल में कोई नया काम नहीं किया है, बदलाव लाने का प्रयास नहीं किया है, वह लोग उस बुद्धिमान मानव को नया कुछ सोचते या करते देख इर्ष्या से फुल जाते है| बुद्धिमत्ता का माप हमेशा से मौखिक या लिखित परीक्षाओं से होता आ रहा है, जो बिलकुल ही गलत बात है| एक पन्ने का टुकड़ा किसी बच्चे का भविष्य निर्धारित नहीं कर सकता, और नाहीं उसकी बुद्धिमत्ता को माप सकता है| किसी के पास अगर दुसरो से अलग नजरिये से देखने की खुभी हो तो उसे अजीब मान लिया जाता है, वह लोग यह नहीं सोच पाते की किसी चीज को पाने के एक से ज्यादा मार्ग हो सकते है| प्रत्येक मनुष्य को अलग अलग विषयो में रूचि होती है| सभी मनुष्यों में समान बुद्धिमत्ता होती है, केवल उसको मापने के लिए समान प्रक्रियाए नहीं होती| इसीलिए बदलने की क्षमता को बुद्धिमत्ता का सही माप बताया गया है| बुद्धिमत्ता में हुनर का भी समावेश हो जाता है| बदलाव हुनर या बुद्धि से लाया जा सकता है| किसी भी कार्य की सुरुआत करना ही बड़ी बात है, और उसके साथ चुनौतिया तो आएगी ही| प्रत्येक मनुष्य के भीतर एक छुपी हुई खुभी होती है जीसे बहार लाना ही अपने आप में एक बड़ी बात है| जो मनुष्य इसे बाहर लाने में कामियाब होता है, उसका जीवन उसी क्षण से बदल जाता है| लेकिन एसी बुद्धिमत्ता भी किसी काम की नहीं जो मनुष्यजाती के लिए विनाशक साबित हो या मनुष्य के हित में न हो| यह पंक्ति जिस अमर आत्मा के दिल से निकली है, वह उनके कई विचारो में एक अनूठा स्थान हासील कर चूकी है| बुद्धिमत्ता किसी शाला के पाथ्यपुस्तकोमें नहीं मिलेगी, बुद्धिमत्ता का अर्थ केवल ज्ञान या हुनर ही नहीं होता, जो कोई मनुष्यहित में अपना थोडा सा योगदान देता है और अच्छे बदलाव का प्रयास करता है वह मनुष्य बुद्धिमान बन जाता है| बदलाव ही जीवन का सार है, और बुद्धिमान लोगोका आभूषण है | इसीलिए आइंस्ताईनजीने सही कहा है, “बदल ने की क्षमता ही बुद्धिमत्ता का माप है|”

  • Pirate Pencil Sketch

    New Colour Pencil Sketch of a Pirate.
    #pencilsketch #colourpencilsketch #piratesketch #colours #graphitemagic #colourpencil #piratesofthecaribbean #hairsketch #beardsketch #colourfulbeardsketch.

  • Poem on Gandhi

    Gandhi is famous for his “Non-Violence Thoughts” in the whole world. In India he is well known as “Bapu” & “Mahatma” as well as “Father of the Nation’. India is Celebrating Great Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary.

    My Poem On Gandhi – 150 Years Of Celebrating The Mahatma

  • Poem For Narendra Modi

    This Poem Is Written For Our Honorable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi

    #WishForPM #NamoPoem #NaMoForNewIndia #PoemOnModi #NarendraModi #PoemForModi #ModiPoem #HBDPM #HBDModi #happybirthdaynarendramodi

  • My Latest Patriotic Poem.
  • Krishna Pencil Sketch

    This is my first video related to my work of pencil sketch – ” Krishna Pencil Sketch .”

    I have been doing pencil sketch since many time but this is my first presentation. I have used one shade of pencil, sketchpen

    Watch full video here

  • If I am The Education Minister of India

    In My Words…

    A fine education system is the milestone as seen as a proof in the estimate progress of a developed country. As an Education Minister of India, I would work tirelessly to see my India on top of world loaded with weapon of education.

                      Education is the most important element for growth and prosperity of a nation. The greatest power of India lies in her youths. There are more than 675 million youths under the age of 25 who contribute 50% of total population of India. They are all future citizens that will create a rock basis for the development of India to become a developed nation by the year 2020. Education is the strong pillar which can create a strong building of development. To make this possible, education system of India needs some sassiness in one or another way.

                      As an Education Minister I consider my responsibility and role more important than any other political or social leader. I will now take decisions about education system, which I wish to change and will make many improvements. On first day of my I will take pledge of seeing 100% literacy rate in India. I will try my best to improve the Indian education system which had totally changed after British Rule. All know, that India is a “Land of Unity in Diversities”. So, the languages of the particular area or state will also be added in school syllabus along with English and Hindi. Hindi will be more preferable as a National language. I will implement this, so that the language of particular area will not come to an end.

                      In my tenure of five years I will try my best to make India a standard of “Quality Education”. I will ensure that not only education but also discipline will be included in school syllabus. I will make compulsory military training for every student like that which is in Israel. I will appoint the best qualified persons as Education Ministers in their states, so that they can have prospect to show their skills and workmanship. I will establish a world class Sanskrit University that will welcome all learners from India and whole world to learn the oldest language which is now collapsing. I will arrange many inspirational seminars across the country to encourage the youths in “Finding, Focussing, and Fulfilling” their goals. After 10th and 12th, a BPL student will be able to get scholarships after giving an exam. I will make sure that girls from village will be able to travel for free in bus for higher educational purposes in cities.

                      India’s biggest problem related to education is the improper government schools that are in worst condition. I will renovate all government schools. I will make them all world class schools. I will pass certain laws; one will be that all political leaders will have to send their children in government schools. It will indirectly affect the growth and development of school. There are Indian government schools the synonym of ‘a bad one’. But now, all will be changed. All parents and students will be ready to make a line to get admission in those ‘good’ schools. Till now, education was a business. Due to low cost there will be many advantages to the middle-class student. All those schools will be equipped with libraries, hygienic toilets, computer labs, science labs and other accomplishments. Not Only books’ knowledge but more practical knowledge will be given. Many educational trips will be arranged in government offices, court, fire brigade, and police stations.

                      I consider that a student should not be given a lot of workload or homework that prevents him from dreaming. I will change all those systems of just gramming and vomiting it in exams. And the one who becomes topper in traditional pen-paper exams is considered is considered as smart but smart are those brilliant back-benchers to whom the teacher demotivates by asking textual questions. As our missile man, Dr Abdul Kalam said that the smartest brain can be only found at the last bench of every class. I will make such a system that what the student interests he can do. You cannot solve difficult maths sums from a National level Kabaddi player! I will also not forget to enlighten the patriotism in students. For that I have inspired from China. In a big projector room certain patriotic videos are played. They show the students of primary section how they were being slaved by other countries and then teachers and students all start crying then teachers would, say you have to do something for your country that will make all proud. This creates an effect on students’ mind.

                      I will try to bring total uniformity. In Japan, they use to have uniformity not only in uniform but also in bags. They have not to bring heavy textbooks and note-books; they have their own locker in their class. There will be no discrimination. Top countries in education like Finland, UK, and Germany have certain positive points which I would like to introduce in India. The schools will be made so capable that there will be no requirement of any student to join tuition classes. Countries like Finland give more importance to the profession of teachers in comparison of doctors and engineers. I will increase the salary of teachers in level of doctors and engineers. So, in future the profession of teacher in India will have craze. Teachers have to teach the students more practically. I will totally stop weight- lifting system; so that the student shall not think education is burden of carrying heavy books. Every school will start having an average of 50 students per class so there will be 50lockers in one class. Student has only to bring lunchbox! His books will be safe in lockers. After 2020, India will achieve its “Digital India” so I will make student equipped with tablets or laptops, you know that e-learning!

                      Centuries ago India was a land of certain world-class universities like Nalanda, Vallabhi, and Takshashila. There was no comparison with these universities. Students from whole world came to occupy knowledge. But in today’s time the situation is completely opposite, students of India go abroad for further studies. This system needs a vast change. We have to bring back the time of Nalanda. As an Education Minister of India, I will try to attract foreign students to educate from Indian Universities like the time of Nalanda. Then I will consider that my tenure of 5 years as an Education Minister of India is successful. I would like to serve again as an Education Minister!

    Make India, Great Again !!!

    Nishant Jadhav

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